Monday, April 20, 2009

Anime Officers

Check out this SlideShare Presentation, it is a comedic piece by Julie Roberts, with participation from other officers. THIS IS NOT CENSORED!!! CONTAINS INAPPROPRIATE WORDS!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Message for Plips32

Plips32, new author, please contact Julie Roberts.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Club Meeting 3/26

Members Present:

~Khoa Vu

~Joe Perez

~Julie Roberts

~Brian Castillo

~CJ Snowden

~Mary Ruiz

~Zack Pryor

~and Mr. Nettles

Subjects discussed at meeting:

~How Cj's taste in music sucks

~What to put on Zack Pryors funny slide (officers have a slide show, i will post the link later on when it is finished, IT HAS TO BE CENSORED!)

~creating a manga

~Joes moms excitment about Reba Macentire

~Khoas new sketch book

~Zacks crappy music taste

~and how this list is alot of stuff we talked about when we could have been doing to paperwork to become a official club...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Officer Meeting 3/24

Members Present:

Khoa Vu

Joe Perez

Julie Roberts

Brian Castillo

CJ Snowden

and Mr. Nettles

Topics discussed:

Manga Project- Character names, setting (time and place blah blah blah...)

Possible names for the main character- "Jacob," "Fish," (ok, joke lol, no fish name came up!) "Chovor," "Siboan,"---- We want feed back on what names you like for the manga project, all final decisions will be made by the officers and names are subject to deletion. (:D)

Now, for something truely boring.....


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Meetings for this week have been canceled

Due to the TAKS test this week we will not be meeting on Tuesday. But if you want to contact us leave a note in Ms. Ash's or Mr. Nettles mailbox in the front office. We will NOT be in the library on Thursday.
So please do not show up, there are not tutorial buses to take you home this week.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hidden Sites

Around this page there are pictures and certain links that lead to random sites that relate to anime club, anime drawing, or art, so have fun and enjoy!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello and welcome to the MHS Anime Art Club!

Alright so the basic information of this club is:

~Officer meetings are Tuesdays (4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.)

~Regular meetings, where all students are welcome are on Thursdays (4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.)

~Sponsers (so far just Mr. Nettles in E120)

Our Officers:

~Khoa Vu (President)

~Joe Perez (Senior VP)

~Zack Pryor (Junior VP)

~Brian Castillo (Secretary)

~Julie Roberts (Treasurer)

~Julian Powers (Poster Maker)

SO if you guys have any questions ask one of our officers.

OR Ms. Ash, our MHS librarian